TP-OTC has been established to carry out activities such as exploration, drilling, production, transportation, marketing, service and refining in order to execute oil operations and trade in Türkiye and abroad. The company undertakes to perform the activities of prioritizing the quality, environment, occupational health and safety of the company,
- Supporting the strategic aspect of the organization in accordance with its purpose and context,
- Setting an example in the energy sector in Türkiye with a sustainable business model,
- Raising national and domestic expert workforce,
- Development of national and domestic technologies,
- Providing a safe and healthy working environment,
- Developing systems for preventing work accidents and working with the principle of zero work accidents,
- Providing a framework for setting objectives for an integrated management system,
- Continuously improving the integrated management system and to increase its performance,
- Continuously increasing the quality of products and services in all its activities,
- Complying with the relevant national and international legal requirements and standards in its activities,
- Fulfilling the applicable conditions of the standards,
- Preventing adverse environmental effects that may arise in order to protect the environment and prevent pollution at source,
- Ensuring the recycling/disposal of the resulting wastes in order to minimize their impact on the environment,
- Continuously increasing customer satisfaction by meeting customer needs, demands and expectations,
- Managing relationships transparently by ensuring effective communication with stakeholders,
- Effectively managing the risks and opportunities that may affect the achievement of corporate company goals,
- Increasing the awareness of the employees about the management systems,
- Encouraging the consultation and participation of employees in the development and implementation of systems and providing an open communication environment in this direction.