TP-OTC believes the importance of stakeholder engagement and public information on time within the scope of the projects conducted with transparency and accountability principles. Accordingly, TP-OTC pledges to:

  • Adopt the respective information and public disclosure methods such as official correspondences, press, social media, websites, public meetings, e-mails, short messages (sms) etc. on the condition that this is in compliance with the respective corporate policy and the current applicable legal requirements,
  • Ensure disclousure information that is not classified confidential concerning the company’s operations and projects,
  • Classify such information and documents that are prepared for public disclosure purposes,
  • Make available the corporate website in Turkish and English, and present fundamental documents thereon in both languages,
  • Analyze information requests acting in cooperation with the respective departments and, proceed with them within the shortest time possible according to the applicable legislation,
  • Take necessary actions in order to the interest of the company and/or of the respective stakeholders (including privacy),
  • Ensure that these principles apply to any type of non-confidential information produced in relation with the company’s operations (including printed, electronic, audio and visible records).